Liquid Trust Review

Liquid Trust is pheromone cologne sold by Love Scent that has gathered a small following of men that think this product is useful for attractive women, since its arrival on the market a few years ago. Liquid trust is considered by some men to be more of social pheromone cologne, rather than an aggressive pheromone product designed to get a woman excited. There are customers that have used this pheromone cologne that think the product is all marketing hype and just doesn’t help men attract women. Customer reviews of this product vary significantly, which leaves doubt in many as to the effectiveness of this pheromone product. Many people believe this product isn’t in fact pheromone cologne, but has only been marketed as this type of product.

Detalls del producte:

Liquid Trust Pros:

Liquid Trust Cons:

Impressió general

Do Liquid Trust Pheromones Really Work? Liquid Trust appears to be more of an ice breaker, than real pheromone cologne, according to many experts and people that have tested out this product. There have been some good customer reports on the usefulness of Liquid Trust to create a feeling of trust in social situations, but all of this appears to be more opinion than actual fact. There are people who feel Liquid Trust doesn’t even contain any human pheromones. The lack of any scientific data to support claims by Love Scent of the effectiveness of Liquid Trust is creating a lot of doubt about this product.

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