FEROMONES per a Homes
El lloc va ser creat per velocitat, revisar, i comparar diversos productes de feromones disponibles per als consumidors d'avui. Hi ha molts llocs que revisen aquests productes, així que vam crear un simple resum de la nostra superior 3 productes. Hi ha tantes opcions, amb diferents ingredients, Els estudis confuses i reclams, i les etiquetes dels preus cars!
Hem avaluat les nostres seleccions en un 5 punt d'escala basada en els ingredients, resultats, i el valor. Tots els productes per sota augmentaran de forma dràstica les seves feromones naturals i aconseguir que més atenció en la seva vida personal / data, així com promoure millors relacions amb tots els que t'envolten.
Elecció de l'Editor |
PherX FEROMONES per a Homes (atraure dones) |
Les feromones PherX per als homes han existit des 2002 and has been very popular in the Pheromone community. Pel preu, vostè no trobarà un millor producte. El lema és PherX “La ciència de l'atracció”. You can tell that his company is focused on research. I have tried many brands, però segueixo tornant a PherX com el meu anar massa arma per atreure a les dames.
Aquí hi ha una cita que vaig trobar dins Amazon sobre PherX per a homes: “Un exemple: Vaig conèixer una senyora molt atractiva en un club d'una nit. I thought she was completely out of my league. Sóc un tipus bastant decent buscant, tan, dir un 7 on the looks chart and just an average personality. Tenia alguna cosa d'aquest sobre, and this hot attractive lady was completely into me the whole night. There were countless other guys she could of been into, i ella em va recollir. I did have other looks from women and the waitresses that night. Needless to say the attractive lady and I left together and had a great remaining evening. But I do believe it was because of this product that this happened.” |
PherX FEROMONES per a Homes (1 fl oz. / 30ml):
Millor Producte Nou |
Les feromones PherSpray per als homes (atraure dones) |
PherSpray is a relatively new product that has become quite popular with many long-time pheromone users. I rank this product slightly above PherX, però el cost és $20 major. The PherSpray formula uses proven pheromone molecules as well as oxytocin to create a product that causes a stir from those around you. I personally like the way PherSpray makes me feel when I wear it… Poderós i confiat. I think this is the Oxytocin at work. Si vostè té l'extra $20, I say go for it and choose PherSpray. However I still recommend PherX to most people trying pheromones for the first time. |
Les feromones PherSpray per als homes (1 fl oz. / 30ml):
Millor en el Comerç Minorista |
Alpha Maschio Feromones per a homes (atraure dones) |
Alpha Maschio was released a few years ago and is available at many retailers. Mostly good reviews, però algunes males així. I have worn Alpha Maschio many times and have had some decent success with it. The smell was a bit funky, però les propietats de feromones semblava funcionar. This is a good pheromone cologne to purchase to have in your collection and experiment with. Don’t expect amazing results, però vostè es donarà compte d'una mica de màgia. |
Alpha Male Perfum amb Feromones (1.2 fl oz. / 36ml):