Scent of Eros Review

Scent of Eros Pheromone Cologne for men is marketed as a product capable of helping men attract more women and was created by James V. Kohl. The manufacturer and seller of this product have made significant claims concerning the ability of this product to help men attract more women. Unfortunately, the raw scientific data to support their claims hasn’t been provided on the product website, and this leaves doubt in the minds of many men as to whether this product actually works. The marketing campaign behind Scent of Eros Pheromone Cologne for men has been successful in getting a good percentage of men to give this product a try. But the reviews so far have been mixed and this has left doubt in the minds of other men as to whether this product will help them.

Detalls del producte:

Scent of Eros Pros:

Scent of Eros Cons:

Impressió general

Do Scent of Eros Pheromones Really Work? Scent of Eros has been a reasonably popular product for men to use to try to meet more women during the last few months. This popularity could be falling off because not all men giving Scent of Eros a try believe the product helped them attract more women. We could see the seller start another huge marketing campaign to keep this product in the eyes and minds of men looking for pheromone cologne that can help them meet more women.

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