Androstadienone Review
Androstadienone is one of the products advertised as pheromone cologne that’s named after the pheromone supposedly within the product. This could just be a marketing move to try to fool more men into thinking this product contains unusual amounts of the pheromone the product is named after. Customer reviews on the ability of this product to attract more women seem to indicate that this product might not always work as advertised. This fact could certainly indicate this product isn’t as effective at helping men meet more women as men hoped it would be.
Detalls del producte:
Els ingredients actius: Manufacturer and seller claim this product contains the pheromone androstadienone
Preu: $79.95
Mida del producte: 0.5 ampolla de oz
Garantir: 30 diners dia
Androstadienone Pros:
This product has a small following of loyal men
Androstadienone Cons:
Some men who have tried this product are still wondering when the women are going to notice
This product is expensive to try, especially if it doesn’t help you with women
Men who thought this product was working noticed the effects only seemed to last an hour or two
Impressió general:
Androstadienone appears to be a product marketed as pheromone cologne that was given the name of a human pheromone in order to increase sales. There appears to be doubt in the minds of some men that have tried this product about it’s ability to help men attract women. Add to this customer reviews of this product that indicate a lot of men just didn’t like Androstadienone, and we might see less and less men taking a chance by giving this product a try.
Les feromones amb millor puntuació per a la 2012
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