Yes Pheromones Review

Yes is marketed by the Doc Johnson Company as a pheromone cologne men can use to help them attract the opposite sex. The manufacturer makes claims concerning the effectiveness of their product that they don’t provide any scientific data to support their product claims. Some consumers giving this product a try indicate they believe the ability of this product to attract women is only marketing hype. Current reviews of Yes support claims by customers that this pheromone cologne doesn’t appear to work as advertised. Yes appears to be losing what popularity with men it might have had when it first arrived on the market and is definitely losing ground to its competitors.

Detalls del producte:

Yes Pros:

Yes Cons:

Impressió general

Yes is a pheromone cologne that sold a bit when it first arrived on the market, but it appears this pheromone product could be quickly losing customer faith in its ability to attract women. We’re not sure what Doc Johnson Company has planned for Yes in the future, but it could be time to reassess the future of their product.

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