Pherazone for Women Review

Pherazone for Women is a product marketed as the female version of the Pherazone product for men. The reviews of women trying this product have been reasonably good, so far, but a great deal of this popularity could be due to the marketing campaign conducted by the manufacturer upon release of this product. The seller and manufacturer of this product claim Pherazone for Women contains the highest concentration of pheromones available in any similar product available on the market. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any hard scientific evidence on the manufacturer or product websites to back up these claims.

Detalls del producte:

Pherazone for Women Pros:

Pherazone for Women Cons:

Impressió general

This product is a hard sell to women because of the high price for Pherazone for Women and we could see it continue to decrease in popularity because of this fact. Pherazone for Women appears to have possibly benefited in part by the huge marketing program implemented upon the launch of the male version of this product. The marketing campaign that was conducted upon the subsequent launch of Pherazone for Women also appears to have been a success. We aren’t sure how popular this product being marketed as a pheromone perfume for women will continue to be in the months ahead.

Les feromones amb millor puntuació per a la 2012

#1 - Top Pick
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Comprar Feromones PherX
Ingredients: 4.8
Resultats: 4.9
Valor: 5.0
Venda al detall: $49.95
Oferta Especial: $29.95
Comprar Feromones PherX
#2 - Millor Producte Nou
Comprar Feromones PherSpray
Comprar Feromones PherSpray
Ingredients: 5.0
Resultats: 5.0
Valor: 4.8
Venda al detall: $89.95
Oferta Especial: $49.95
Comprar Feromones PherSpray
Buy Charm Pheromones
Buy Charm Pheromones
Ingredients: 4.2
Resultats: 4.3
Valor: 4.2
Venda al detall: $55.00
Buy Charm Pheromones

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