True Love for Women Review
True Love for Women is one of the newer pheromone perfumes available on the market for women to use to try to enhance their chances of meeting a suitable man. This product is advertised as being able to help increase communication and deepen the trust between men and women. Customer reviews on the ability of this product to help women attract more men are very few at the moment. Women that have tried this product are mixed in their views, with some thinking this product works and others wondering what all the excitement is about.
Detalls del producte:
Els ingredients actius: manufacturer claims this product contains the perfect blend of 10,500 mcg of copulins, androstenol (alpha & beta), androstadienone & estratetraenol
Preu: $34.99 (sale price $31.49)
Mida del producte: 30 ml ( 1 ounce) bottle
200 applications per bottle
1-5 sprays per application
Garantir: 365 diners dia
True Love for Women Pros:
Some women love the scent and think men do also
Great guarantee
Large size product bottle should last
Price is reasonable, if this product helps you
True Love for Women Cons:
Some women found this product just didn’t work for them
Not all men like the scent
Need more customer reviews
Manufacturer needs to disclose more specific information on pheromones and amounts in product
Impressió general:
True Love for Women appears to be a pheromone perfume that in some cases can help women hoping to attract a man to a private party. We need more customer reviews at this point in order to help customers thinking about trying this product to get a better idea, but True Love appears to be one of the better pheromone perfumes available for women. We expect more women will give this product a try in the months ahead and provide product reviews that should help clear up any confusion surrounding True Love for Women.
Les feromones amb millor puntuació per a la 2012
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