Øjeblikkelig Gentleman anmeldelse

Instant Gentleman is advertised as the pheromone cologne that helps a man projects a feeling of masculine warmth to the opposite sex and gives them an advantage in the battle between the sexes. Der er meget få ledige kundeanmeldelser på evnen af ​​dette produkt til at hjælpe mænd mødes flere kvinder, but this is one of the newer products available on the market for men to try. Customer reviews indicate that most men are finding this product to be less effective than some of the other pheromone colognes being offered.

Product Details:

Instant Gentleman Pros:

Instant Gentleman Cons:

Samlet indtryk:

Instant Gentleman is a pheromone cologne that according to customer reviews doesn’t appear to work for all men. The manufacturer is obviously reluctant to disclose specific information on the human pheromones and amounts in this product. This is likely to turn some customers away from Instant Gentleman and into the waiting arms of other products claiming to be able to help men attract more women.

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