Atraktan 10 Tinjau
Atraktan 10 is a product marketed as pheromone cologne that will make women looking for a little action become attracted to you. This product is one of the newer products on the market and during the time it has been available it seems to have developed a small following of loyal men. Customer reviews on the ability of this product to actually help a man looking for a woman attract more women are mixed at this point. This fact seems to be creating doubt in the minds of men thinking about giving Attractant 10 a try, and this could mean this product is unlikely to become more popular with men in the future.
Detail Produk:
Bahan aktif: manufacturer and seller don’t list the pheromones supposedly within this product
Harga: $24.95
Produk ukuran: 2 ons botol
Menjamin: 30 hari uang kembali
Atraktan 10 Pro:
The price for this product is reasonable, jika bekerja
Some men indicate this product works wonders with women
The men who love this product love the scent
Atraktan 10 Kontra:
Some customers that have tried this product indicate that it didn’t seem to work at all
There are similar products available that cost less
Customer reviews on the ability of this product to help a man attract a woman aren’t good
Secara keseluruhan Kesan:
Atraktan 10 appears to be just another product where the manufacturer and seller are making claims that aren’t supported by facts. Customers that have tried this product seem to agree that Attractant 10 could be another product that just doesn’t have the pheromones to live up to the hype created. These facts could make it hard for Attractant 10 to increase in popularity in the months and years ahead.
Para Nilai Tertinggi Feromon untuk 2012
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