Pheromomones už vyrų

Aqua vitae apžvalga

TweetAqua Vitae is a product marketed as a pheromone cologne for men by Liquid Alchemy Labs. Ši prekė buvo plataus masto rinkodaros kampaniją, kad, atrodo, surinko šiek tiek toliau vyrų. Customer reviews on the ability of this product to help men attract more women looking for company is mixed […]

Vyriškumas apžvalga

TweetMasculinity is a product marketed as the pheromone cologne for the international man of intrigue looking to express his strength, galia ir tvirtumas, kvapas, jis nešioja. Ši prekė buvo pradėta 2009 and since this time has been the subject of a very intense marketing campaign that seems to have had some success […]

Pherone Formula V-5 Review

TweetPherone Formula V-5 is another product on the market that claims to be a pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women. The manufacturer and seller claim this product has ultra pure human pheromones that make women feel more comfortable, happy and sexy in the presence of men. Customer reviews of this product indicate […]

Magnetizmas feromono Purškimo Kelnas apžvalga

TweetMagnetism Spray Cologne is a new product that claims to contain human pheromones capable of helping men attract more women in social situations. The customer reviews of this product indicates that not every man who tried this product found it to be effective in the battle to help men become more attractive to the opposite […]

Alfa Poveikio apžvalga

TweetAlpha Impact is one of the latest products on the market claiming to be pheromone cologne men can wear to help them in the battle of the sexes. Gamintojas ir pardavėjas padaryti didelių pretenzijų dėl šio produkto gebėjimą padėti vyrams ir feromonai, esantis Alpha poveikio. Customer reviews seem to indicate […]

Androstadienone apžvalga

TweetAndrostadienone is one of the products advertised as pheromone cologne that’s named after the pheromone supposedly within the product. Tai gali būti tiesiog rinkodaros žingsnis bandyti apgauti daugiau vyrų į mąstymą šį produktą yra neįprastų kiekį feromonų produktas yra pavadintas po. Customer reviews on the ability of this product […]

Pritraukti-RX apžvalga

TweetAttract-RX claims to be a pheromone product that can help men get closer to women and give them a decided advantage in social situations. Ši prekė ateina tablečių forma ir turėtų skatinti natūralų lytinių feromonų gamybą vyrų, kurie jį. The manufacturer of Attract-RX claims that the effects of this […]

Pritraukimo priemonės 10 Peržiūrėkite

TweetAttractant 10 kaip feromonų Kelne, kad moterys ieško šiek tiek veiksmo produktas parduodamas pritraukė jums. Šis produktas yra vienas iš naujesnių produktų pateikimo į rinką ir tuo metu, ji buvo, atrodo, sukūrė mažą ištikimų vyrų toliau. Customer reviews on […]

Absoliučiai Taip apžvalga

TweetAbsolutely Yes is one of the newer products claiming to be a pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women and give them an advantage in the dating game. Yra labai nedaug klientų atsiliepimus apie šį produktą, which indicates this product has probably only been tried by a small number of men hoping […]

Pherone Formula M-15 Review

TweetPherone Formula M-15 is a product that claims to be able to help men meet and get to know more women when out on the town. Pherone Formula M-15 has been marketed as pheromone cologne for a while, but has only gathered a small gathering, to date. This could be because the customer reviews of […]