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Phiero Premium gjennomgang

Tweet Phiero Premium is a product advertised as pheromone cologne to help men meet and connect with more women looking for a man. Dette produktet har blitt tilbudt på markedet en stund og har bare utviklet en liten følgende av menn som tror Phiero Premium fungerer for dem. This is despite a huge […]

Sex Appeal Spray gjennomgang

TweetSex Appeal Spray is a product advertised as being able to help men meet more women that has been on the market for a while. Reklamekampanje som omgir dette produktet var ikke den største, but it appears to have reached a small percentage of men hoping to find a product to help them attract a […]

Tiltrekkende 1000 Gjennomgå

TweetAttractant 1000 er en feromonparfymen selger og produsenten hevder kan øke tilliten til menn i sosiale situasjoner og hjelpe dem å bli mer attraktiv for det motsatte kjønn. Dette produktet har bare eksistert en stund og synes ikke å ha utviklet en solid kundebase i løpet av denne tiden. The marketing campaign […]

Alpha 7 Gjennomgå

Tweet Alpha 7 er et produkt som hevder å være en en oljebasert feromon menn kan bære for å gjøre dem mer attraktive for det motsatte kjønn. Produsent og selger av dette produktet gjør store krav til pheromone innholdet i dette produktet. Kunde vurderinger av mennene som har gitt Alpha 7 en prøve […]

Androstenone Review

TweetAndrostenone is a product as the name implies that’s named after the human pheromone that’s supposedly within this product advertised as pheromone cologne. The marketing campaign surrounding this product was pretty extensive, but doesn’t seem to have been as effective as first thought. There has been much talk between men that have tried this product […]

Conquest to Attract Women Review

TweetConquest to Attract Women is a product marketed by Luv Essentials as a pheromone cologne to help men meet more women and provide them with an advantage in social situations. This product has only been around for a short while and hasn’t exactly broken any sales records during this time. Customer reviews on the ability […]

Aqua Vitae gjennomgang

TweetAqua Vitae is a product marketed as a pheromone cologne for men by Liquid Alchemy Labs. Dette produktet ble gjenstand for en omfattende markedsføringskampanje som synes å ha samlet en liten følgende av menn. Customer reviews on the ability of this product to help men attract more women looking for company is mixed […]

Masculinity Review

TweetMasculinity is a product marketed as the pheromone cologne for the international man of intrigue looking to express his strength, power and fortitude in the scent he wears. This product was launched in 2009 and since this time has been the subject of a very intense marketing campaign that seems to have had some success […]

Pherone Formula V-5 Review

TweetPherone Formula V-5 is another product on the market that claims to be a pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women. The manufacturer and seller claim this product has ultra pure human pheromones that make women feel more comfortable, happy and sexy in the presence of men. Customer reviews of this product indicate […]

Magnetisme Pheromone Spray Köln gjennomgang

TweetMagnetism Spray Cologne is a new product that claims to contain human pheromones capable of helping men attract more women in social situations. The customer reviews of this product indicates that not every man who tried this product found it to be effective in the battle to help men become more attractive to the opposite […]