Pherone Formula M-15 Review

Pherone Formula M-15 is a product that claims to be able to help men meet and get to know more women when out on the town. Pherone Formula M-15 has been marketed as pheromone cologne for a while, but has only gathered a small gathering, to date. This could be because the customer reviews of this product as mixed at best, which has probably turned some men off of giving this product a try. This could be also be the case because the word has passed from customer to customer about the belief that this product doesn’t live up to the promises made by the seller and manufacturer.

Szczegóły produktu:

Pherone Formula M-15 Plusy:

Pherone Formula M-15 Wady:

Ogólne wrażenie:

Pherone Formula M-15 has been available for a while, but only a small percentage of customers have given this product a try. The customer reviews being hot and cold could have something to do with this or it could be that they have talked to men that have tried this product and decided to give something else a try. Considering this we find it hard to believe that Pherone Formula M-15 will become more popular in the months and years ahead.

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