Edge Essentials Review
Edge Essentials is designed and marketed by the LaCroy Chemical Company as the pheromone cologne that will make men more interesting and attractive to women looking for company. There haven’t been many customer reviews of this product, which makes it hard for men looking at this product to judge how useful it will be. The reviews that have been posted by users of this product also indicates that while some men did think it helped them meet more women, others are still wondering when women are going to notice the difference.
Detalii produs:
Ingredientele active: Manufacturer and seller of this product claim it contains a secret blend of human pheromones and 2.4 mg of androstenone
Preţ: $29.95
Dimensiune produs: 0.24 oz sticla (24 ml)
Garanta: 30 zile banii înapoi
Edge Essentials Pros:
Some men say the scent is attractive to some women
Acest produs este un preţ rezonabil, în cazul în care acesta funcţionează
You can use the guarantee to get your money back if you don’t like this product
Edge Essentials Cons:
Some men indicate the scent of Edge Essentials is very strong and turned some women off
Comentarii cu privire la acest produs par să indice faptul că rezultatele cu acest produs ar putea varia de la om la om,,en,Bărbații care cred că acest produs i-au ajutat cu femeile au indicat faptul că efectul doar părea să dureze o oră sau două,,en,Edge Essentials pretinde a fi un feromon Koln, care poate ajuta să atragă mai multe femei în situații sociale,,en,Faptele par să indice faptul că mulți oameni cred că acest produs s-ar putea să nu fie la fel de eficace ca și cererile de vânzător,,en,Acest lucru este cu siguranta va afecta vanzarile viitoare ale acestui produs și credem că acest produs comercializat ca Koln cu feromoni ar putea găsi că este greu să concureze în lunile următoare,,en
Men that think this product helped them with women indicated that the effect only seemed to last an hour or two
Impresia generală:
Edge Essentials claims to be a pheromone cologne that can help you attract more women in social situations. The facts seem to indicate that many men think this product might not be as effective as the seller claims. This is definitely going to effect the future sales of this product and we believe this product marketed as pheromone cologne could find it hard to compete in the months ahead.
Cele Feromonii de top-evaluat pentru 2012
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