Icebreaker Pheromone Review

Icebreaker is a product marketed as pheromone cologne by Ascent Research Group. This product has been around for a little while and due to a good marketing campaign some men decided to give Icebreaker a try. The manufacturer claims this product will help men meet more women, but men who have tried this product haven’t all agreed in just how effective this product is at helping them meet more women. Icebreaker seems to be losing the faith of men that have tried this product hoping to attract more women and ground to competitors marketing products also claiming to be pheromone colognes capable of helping men attract more women.

Больш падрабязна:

Icebreaker Pros:

Icebreaker Cons:

Агульнае ўражанне

Icebreaker has convinced some men that it can help them attract more women in social situations, but other men seem convinced this product is all marketing hype. When Icebreaker first arrived on the market it was tried by a number of men, but the reviews of men that have tried this product have been mixed at best. It doesn’t look like many more men are deciding to give this product marketed as pheromone cologne a try.

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