Do Liquid Trust Pheromones Really Work?
Liquid Trust Pheromones take a unique approach to the dating game by providing a dose of oxytocin along with the standard chemicals that are usually associated with pheromones and other pheromone sprays. The claim made by Vero Labs, the company behind Liquid Trust, is that their product will create those same feelings of sexual attraction that other pheromone sprays are known for, while using the oxytocin in the spray to create a trusting atmosphere as well. For those that are unaware, oxytocin is another hormone found naturally in the human body. While the actual point of Oxytocin’s existence as a hormone is hard to pin down scientifically, it has been shown that a lack of oxytocin in humans leads to sociopathy, psychopathy, and narcissism. Thus, the conclusion has been drawn that this chemical is responsible for regulating our feelings of love and trust, as well as our confidence in others. But does this extra dose of oxytocin do the trick when it comes to the Liquid Trust formula, or is it just another failed additive? There are a few good and a few bad things to note about the product.
For as much as liquid trust boasts about its scientific capabilities to help cultivate a trusting and loving atmosphere for leaders, lovers, and businessmen (just to name a few), the product has actually undergone very little research. Scientists still have a fundamentally fractured understanding of how Oxytocin actually works and the hormone is still undergoing rigorous scientific research on its full applications. As far as industrial uses are concerned, oxytocin has been used to help cows produce more milk than normal. Release of oxytocin has also been thought to help in inducing orgasm and in treating severe symptoms of autism for a short amount of time. There are many different applications of oxytocin but these all involve direct injections and there is no proof that a spray or oil rub will correctly transfer those feelings of affection and trust from product to person to person.
Despite all of these good things though, research also suggests that as much help as oxytocin can be in facilitating those that are close to you come to the next level in trust and bonding it can also drive away those that you are not already familiar with and is even known to be involved in forming racial biases against people. If you are simply in the market for a pheromone product that will make women more interested in you then you might want to look towards another product such as PherX or Pherspray which contain no oxytocin and have a chemical makeup which is a little more stable than that of liquid trust and does not have all of those other complications associated with it. However if you do happen to be a part of that very small group of individuals shopping for something to help them with such ventures as crisis negotiating or sales pitching, then some liquid trust might be right up your alley.
Üçün Top-bəyənilən Feromonları 2012
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