Chikara Pheromones Review

Chikara is made and marketed by Pacific Pheromones. Chikara was tried by a percentage of customers when first released, but recent customer complaints about the ineffectiveness of this product leaves doubt as to the useful of this pheromone cologne in actually attracting women. This pheromone product has been showing signs of increasing in popularity, but this could be due to the arrival of a new version of Chikara on the market recently. Pacific Pheromones claims its product can help men attract women its product but the website and company have released no specific information or data to support these claims.

Больш падрабязна:

Chikara Pros:

Chikara Cons:

Агульнае ўражанне

Ёсць Chikara феромоны сапраўды працуюць? Pacific Pheromones releasing a new version of Chikara just when the product appeared to be losing ground in popularity seems like a move to keep the marketing hype surrounding this product going forward. The lack of any raw data concerning the claims of Pacific Pheromones that Chikara is the perfect product to help men attract women leave doubt as to whether this product in fact works. Add to this the customer complaints concerning the effectiveness of Chikara and this pheromone cologne appears to be another product that’s more marketing hype than the real deal.

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[…] Chikara Pheromones Really Work? Адпраўлены Майкам Дональдсон лістапада 29, 2011 TweetChikara dresses itself up as a professional looking kind of cologne, but it ends up looking like a bargain […]

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