Аттрактант 1000 Агляд
Аттрактант 1000 is a pheromone cologne the seller and manufacturer claim can boost the confidence of men in social situations and help them be more attractive to the opposite sex. This product has only been around for a while and doesn’t seem to have developed a solid customer base during this time. The marketing campaign conducted at the release of this product doesn’t seem to have been effective at getting more and more men to give this product a try. It doesn’t appear like men that have tried this product have decided to continue using this product.
Больш падрабязна:
Актыўныя інгрэдыенты: manufacturer and seller of this product don’t provide any specific data on the pheromones in this product
Кошт: $14.95
Памер прадукту: 1 ўнцыя бутэлька
Гарантаваць: 30 таму дзень грошы
Аттрактант 1000 Прафесіяналы:
Product price is good, if this product can help you meet more women
The product guarantee should allow you to get your money back if you don’t like this product
Some men that tried this product indicated it helped them meet more women
Аттрактант 1000 Мінусы:
Some men that have tried this product indicated it just didn’t seem to work
Effects only seemed to last two or three hours according to some men
This product might not work for all men
Агульнае ўражанне:
Аттрактант 1000 doesn’t look like a pheromone cologne that is able to live up to the claims of being able to make a man more attractive to the opposite sex. Customer reviews on the ability of this product seem to indicate it could be mostly marketing hype designed to sell more product. Men that have been thinking about giving this product a try will likely use this information to determine they should take a look at other products.
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