Преглед на True съобщението
True Communication is one of the latest products to arrive on the market claiming to be able to help men meet more women and get them to open up and be honest about their feelings. Customer reviews on this product seem to indicate that the men that have tried this product haven’t all found it to live up to expectations. Some men in fact believe that the ability of True Communication to get women to open up to men is just marketing hype and it could be difficult to get them to give this product a try.
Допълнителна информация:
Активни съставки: manufacturer claims this product contains a blend of alpha & beta androstenol plus androstadienone
Цена: $29.99 (продажна цена $26.99)
Размери на изделието: 30 мл (1 унция) бутилка
200 приложения за бутилка
Дозиране: 1-5 впръсквания във всяка приложение
Гаранция: 365 обратно дни пари
True Communication Pros:
Price for this product is reasonable, if it helps you with women
Guarantee provided is nice
Product bottle should last a while
Някои мъже смятат, че този продукт помогна ги посрещне повече жени
True Communication Cons:
Some men that tried this product found it to be totally ineffective
Men who like this product indicated that some women didn’t seem to like the scent
Not enough reviews by customer that have tried this product
Men indicate that the effects only lasted an hour or two
Цялостното впечатление:
True Communication has only been available for a while and has gathered a small following of men that have tried this product and found it helped them meet more women. Other men that have tried this product found it to be totally ineffective in helping them attract women and have moved onto other products.
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