Does Dial Magnetic Pheromone Body Wash Really Work?

Dial Magnetic is not your standard body-wash, nor your standard pheromone treatment. It attempts to combine both the lustful and invigorating effect of pheromones with the cleansing and refreshing power of soapy body wash. This is a good product for anyone that is very cautious about pheromones and whether they work or not, but true pros, and those that are a little more adventurous might want to stay away. While this body wash is certainly an interesting product which does things a little differently, it is by no means the end all be all when it comes to pheromones. There are some interesting advantages that a product like this possesses, but it also carries with it some major disadvantages as well.

While the approach that Dial is taking is a novel one, it is one of the more paradoxical pheromone products out there, and here’s why. All humans produce pheromones naturally. They are secreted in our sweat, our urine, our tears; just about every liquid the body expels contains some form of pheromones. However, la raó per la qual no tenim els membres del sexe oposat que ens envolten tot el temps és a causa del fet que ens dutxem. Per desgràcia, l'hora del dia quan vam arribar al nostre pic sexual és la mateixa hora del dia en què necessitem per a la dutxa per si fos. Generalment, les dones no se senten atretes per totes les coses que vénen amb feromones com la suor, llàgrimes, sang, i orinar, així que ens dutxem tots els nostres feromones de distància per tal d'aconseguir més atenció, que al seu torn ens assegura que rebrem menys, perquè totes les feromones desapareixeran amb la resta de la brutícia pel desguàs de dutxa.

Dial Magnetic, malgrat el fet que és un gel de dutxa i destinat a netejar es, s'acaba de trobar, ja que fàcilment s'enfonsa pel desguàs més de fregar i banyar-se. By the time you towel off, unless you are okay with walking around with green globs of soap stuck to your neck and arms all day, all of the pheromones that Dial worked so hard to infuse to their formula will have disappeared down the drain with the rest of the soap. You will be getting rid of the pheromones at the same rate that you are applying them to yourself when you use Dial Magnetic. You will end up having to use a supplementary pheromone product to recover what was lost, which defeats the purpose of the body wash.

Even though the thought of a shower gel that literally makes you more attractive is a romantic one, it does not work well in practice. If you care about really seeing results, productes de la competència, com ara PherX o PherSpray han estat rebent bones crítiques i que no requereixen que vostè pugui prendre una dutxa cada vegada que necessita per posar-los a tots dos. Potser un dia es durà a terme una reeixida gel de dutxa feromona, però aquest dia no és avui, i fins llavors, un aerosol o oli estàndard serà el seu millor aposta.

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