Site sortu zen tasa, berrikusi, eta konparatu pheromone hainbat produktu gaur egun kontsumitzaileak eskura. Guneak ugari daude produktu horiek berrikusi, beraz, gure laburpen sinple bat sortu dugu goiko 3 produktuak. Ez dira hainbeste aukerak, osagai ezberdinekin, , nahasgarria ikasketak eta erreklamazioak, eta prezio garestia tags!
Gure aukerak oraindik batean 5 osagai on puntu eskalan oinarritutako, emaitzak, eta balio. Beheko produktu guztiak erabat natural pheromones handitzeko eta gehiago arreta lortuko duzu / Datazio bizitza pertsonala baita hobeto guztiontzat harreman zure inguruko sustatzeko.
Editorearen Choice |
PherX Men Gay for Pheromones (Gizona erakartzea) |
Gizona Gay PherX Pheromones inguruan geroztik izan dira 2002 and has been very popular in the Pheromone community. Prezioa, Ez aurkituko dituzu produktu bat hobea.PherX leloa da “Erakarpen Zientzia”. You can tell that his company is focused on research. I have tried many brands, baina itzultzea PherX nire go ere gizonak erakartzeko arma gorde I.
PherX Men Gay for Pheromones (1 fl oz. / 30ml):
Produktu Berriaren onena |
Gizona Gay PherSpray for Pheromones (Gizona erakartzea) |
PherSpray is a relatively new product that has become quite popular with many long-time pheromone users. I rank this product slightly above PherX, baina kostua $20 higher.The PherSpray formula uses proven pheromone molecules as well as oxytocin to create a product that causes a stir from those around you. I personally like the way PherSpray makes me feel when I wear it… Ahaltsu eta konfiantza. I think this is the Oxytocin at work.
Estra $10, I say go for it and choose PherSpray. However I still recommend PherX to most people trying pheromones for the first time. |
, Men PherSpray egiteko Pheromones (1 fl oz. / 30ml):
Best Txikizkako en |
Man Love for Koloniako Pheromone Men (Gizona erakartzea) |
L’uomo Amore was introduced in 2005. You can buy L’uomo Amore at almost all fragrance retailers.L’uomo Amore was the first pheromone product that I purchased when I was back in college. I had a fair amount of success with it and I guess I am sentimental, baina nago sailkapena #3 nahiz eta produktu hau da, pixka bat zaharkiturik.
Usain oharrak mandarina ukituak, laranja, berri txarrak, ginger and watery notes. I personally like the way it smells, baina zuen behin dut Polluela bat tell me usaintzeko modu bat bezala 89 year old man. Yikes! |
Man Love for Koloniako Pheromone Men(1.7 fl oz. / 50ml):