Alpha 7 Review
Alpha 7 is a product claiming to be a an oil-based pheromone men can wear to help make them more attractive to the opposite sex. The manufacturer and seller of this product make big claims for the pheromone content within this product. Customer reviews of the men that have given Alpha 7 a try indicate some men have found this product to be non-effective in the making them more attractive to women.
აქტიური ინგრედიენტები: Manufacturer claims this product contains 1 mg of androsterone as well as 6mg of androstenone
ფასი: $59.95
პროდუქტის ზომა: 0.5 უნცია ბოთლი
გარანტია: ინფორმაცია არ არის
Alpha 7 დადებითი:
Seller claims this product has 40 percent more pheromones than a product like Primal Instinct
Some men think this product really helped them in the battle between the sexes
Men who like this product say the effect lasts up to six hours
Alpha 7 Cons:
Manufacturer doesn’t supply enough scientific data on pheromones within this product
Some men indicated this product just didn’t seem to have any effect on women
This is an expensive product to try and find out that it doesn’t seem to work
სულ შთაბეჭდილების:
Alpha 7 has managed to gather a small following of men that seem to think this product has helped them in the battle between the sexes, but the product reviews of Alpha 7 has been hot and cold at best. This seems to indicate that the ability of this product to help men become more attractive to women could be mainly market hype.
ყველაზე რეიტინგული Pheromones for 2012
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