Absolutely Yes Review
Absolutely Yes is one of the newer products claiming to be a pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women and give them an advantage in the dating game. There are very few customer reviews on this product, which indicates this product has probably only been tried by a small number of men hoping to attract more women. This product is marketed as only containing a single human pheromone, so it might be hard for this product to compete against stronger pheromone colognes for men.
Product Details:
Active viungo: manufacturer and sell claim this product contains androstenone
unscented or scented version
Bei: $14.95 (kuuza bei $2.50)
Kuhakikisha: no specific information found
Bidhaa kawaida: 10 ml bottle
Absolutely Yes Pros:
The sale price for this product is excellent, if it can help you meet more women
You can add this product to your personal scent to get the nice smell you want
Nice large product bottle size
Absolutely Yes Cons:
Very few reviews on this product, so it’s hard to tell if it really works
Only contains a single human pheromone
Kwa ujumla Hisia:
Absolutely Yes is one of the newer products claiming to be a pheromone cologne that can help men meet more women and give them the advantage in the battle between the sexes. This product doesn’t appear to have been tried by many men, which means there aren’t very many reviews by which to form an opinion on the ability of Absolutely Yes to help men attract more women. Considering the number of new products claiming to be pheromone cologne for men with a greater number of human pheromones, it could be hard for this product to find a customer base.
Pheromones Top-Rated kwa ajili ya 2012
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Hakuna maoni bado.
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