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Да PherSpray феромони наистина работят?

TweetThere is a negative stigma generally associated with pheromones for some reason. Хората обикновено ще се опита почти всичко, което могат да мислят преди да се прибягва до синтетичен феромон спрей,. Солариум сметки ще започнат да се натрупват и фактури фитнес за членство ще бъде по пощата, месец след месец, but when none of […]

The Best Pheromones of 2012

TweetWith the amount of research that has been going into pheromone research recently, synthetic and natural pheromone products have been springing up left and right in a bid to become the best. Every year since the early 2000’s it has seemed as if the new brands have been heaping up exponentially. The sheer amount of […]

Дали Realm феромони Кьолн наистина работят?

TweetRealm pheromones have been a pretty hot ticket in the industry recently, and it’s not hard to see why. Erox, the creators of the product, have been pushing it pretty heavily ever since they released it. You can also see that they have put a great deal of effort into making it appear as if […]

Ли Мерилин Miglin феромони наистина работят?

TweetMarilyn Miglin takes pride in the fact that their pheromones are specifically tailored for women. Most pheromone products tend to focus on the male market, by manufacturing chemicals designed to attract females. The pheromones that the male body produces are starkly different from those that the female body produces, thus, for a long time the […]

Дали Dial Magnetic Pheromone орган Измийте наистина работят?

TweetDial Magnetic is not your standard body-wash, нито стандартната си лечение феромон. Той се опитва да съчетае двете похотливо и ободряващ ефект на феромоните с почистването и освежаваща сила на сапунена измиване на тялото. Това е един добър продукт за всеки, който е много предпазливи относно феромони и дали работят или не, but true […]

Истинските феромони наистина Работа?

TweetTrue Pheromones seem to be one of the more prolific brands being peddled in the pheromone market if only due to creative marketing and their many sub-types. True Pheromones are much like Absolut vodka in the sense that there are so many different types within the overarching brand, like True Charisma, True съобщението, Истинската любов, […]

Усещане за Ерос Феромоните

TweetScent of Eros is a pheromone spray which is said to have a unique blend of ingredients such that the formula should work in attracting all types of women, young and old and of all different racial backgrounds. While it may not sound like much, this is a phenomenal step forward for all pheromone research, […]

Да Усещане за Ерос Феромоните наистина работят?

TweetScent of Eros is a Pheromone product that tries hard to look like the designer pheromone sprays that have already made their mark on the business, but instead what the buyer is left with is a product that looks more like an old can of spray paint with some cheesy graphics on it. Of course […]

Да чисти феромони инстинкт наистина Работа?

TweetPure Instinct is a pheromone product that has only recently thrown its hat in the ring, so to speak. Their claim is that women will feel more at ease around you when you use the product and that dating will become much easier. The bottle that it comes in has a much more flowery font […]

Ли Pherone феромони наистина работят?

TweetPherone formula M-11 comes with a very fancy and scientific sounding title and it is one of the latest batches of pheromone colognes that have just made it onto the market. The company benefited early on from a moderately successful marketing campaign which helped to increase interest in the product to large proportions, but does […]