A mhealladh cailíní Choláiste Pheromones
Nuair a shroicheann gach fear aois áirithe, go bhfuil ar a laghad lá amháin nuair a lorg siad sa scáthán agus a rá "i gcás an t-am imithe?"Lá amháin tú ró ag dul ar deireadh thiar a thabhairt faoi deara go bhfuil do chruth athraithe go mór ó cad a d'fhéach sé leat nuair a bhí tú i do 20 ar. Ar ndóigh, do na fir nach bhfuil socraithe síos go fóill, tá an réadú tharraing de ghnáth ag claonadh níos mó a bheith arna rith ag mná óga do na fir go bhfuil níos gaire dá n-aois. I gcás na bhfear go raibh deireadh suas ag dul ag pósadh, thiocfaidh an réadú chomh maith leis an réadú go bhfuil tú nach féidir cuimhneamh dócha an uair dheireanach a bhí tú gnéas le do bhean chéile. Aois ach nach bhfuil uimhir í? You’re older and more experienced, more mature; it isn’t fair that you are being passed up for younger men, or simply being ignored all together. It may seem hopeless, but the key to change is a simple dose of pheromones.
By the time you reach an older age you’ve been around the block a few times, you probably understand how hormones work, and why pheromones work the way they do. Pheromones are chemicals regularly secreted by the body that aid in arousing members of the opposite sex, or at the very least, making them more attracted to you on a social level. The chemicals are absorbed by others through the nasal passages and translated by the hypothalamus, the part of the brain dealing with emotions and sexual behavior, and result in the person that breathed them in being much more interested in the person that’s secreting them. While they are naturally occurring, one thing that not everyone knows is that the amount of pheromones given off by a person begins to dramatically decrease with age.
Until recently there was no remedy for this issue. People of an older persuasion were forced to sit back and face the fact that they were just less sexually appealing. Today though, we have bottled pheromones provided by companies such as Pherx.com that will help greatly in the sexual department.
Of course putting on Pheromones won’t automatically turn you into Dean Martin or Paul Newman, it will change the way you are perceived by others. While you may not see any change in your appearance, beidh mná a fheiceann tú mar níos tarraingtí fisiciúil, níos cliste, agus níos mó spraoi a bheith thart. Torthaí ar deacair iad a thuar ar bhonn aonair, ach má thosaíonn tú ag baint úsáide as pheromones bhfuil tú ráthaithe a bheith beagán níos deara go mór ag mná coláiste d'aois. Agus tar éis aird uathu ar feadh tamaill, beidh tú tús a fheiceáil duit féin éagsúil maith le. Beidh tú tús a bheith acu féin-mheas níos mó.
Conas a cheapann tú Hugh Hefner Bainistíonn go bhfuil mná an oiread sin thart timpeall air an t-am in ainneoin go Breathnaíonn sé cosúil sé ag auditioning sé do ról an Coimeádaí uaimh i Tales ó remake lusca? Tá mé ag gealltóireachta pheromones bhfuil rud éigin a dhéanamh leis. Má tá suim agat i mhéadú do achomharc gnéis agus a mhealladh déimeagrafacha níos óige, then the men at specialized dealers such as Pherx.com can help you out. Don’t let your age stop you, pheromones are for everyone!
An Pheromones Barr-Rátáil do 2012
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