Pherone V-5 Review
Pherone Formula V-5 Pheromone Cologne for Women to Attract Women is a product marketed as capable of helping one woman become more attractive to other women. A huge marketing campaign has been conducted in order to try to increase sales of this product during the past few months. This has resulted in a number of women giving this product a try and the reviews have been both positive and negative at times. This seems to have left doubt in the minds of many women thinking about trying this product whether they should take a chance and give Pherone V-5 a try as reports indicate sales of this product have started to decrease.
Pojedinosti o proizvodu:
- Aktivni sastojci: no specific details on pheromones include in this product accept to claim 98% pheromone purity
- Jamčiti: 30 dan novac leđa
- Cijena: $39.95
- Veličina proizvoda: 10 ml boca
Pherone V-5 Pro:
- The price is very reasonable, if this product works
- There have been some reasonably good reviews of this product
- Women who like this product indicate a dab or two will do the trick
Pherone V-5 Cons:
- There isn’t any scientific data supplied to support claims by manufacturer of purity and pheromones included in product
- There are women who have tried this product who indicate the product didn’t seem to work for them
Ukupni dojam
Pherone V-5 appears to be a product that only works for some women, if it works at all, and at this point there’s still some doubt as to whether this product can make a woman more attractive to other women. Činjenica je da ne postoje hard znanstveni podaci dati na učinkovitost ovog proizvoda i uključene feromona čini jedan čudo da li je ovaj proizvod je feromon parfem na sve,en.
Na top-rated Feromoni za 2012
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