True Opener for Women Review
True Opener for Women is a pheromone perfume women can wear to help break the ice with the opposite sex and give them an even better advantage in the battle between the sexes. A product that has received some praise by women that have given it a try, True Opener for Women has also been dropped by women that think this product doesn’t deliver what it promises. This product appears to be better than the majority of pheromone perfumes for women on the market at helping women meet more men.
Principi attivi: manufacturer claims this product contains a 6000 mcg blend of alpha & beta androstenol in a 70% alfa 30% beta ratio
Prezzo: $29.99 (prezzo di vendita: $26.99)
Formato del prodotto: 30 ml flacone (1 oncia) (200 applicazioni per bottiglia)
Garantire: 365 denaro giorni di garanzia
Dosaggio: 1-5 spray per applicazione
True Open for Women Pros:
Grande garanzia
Some women love this product and say it works wonders with men
Women who like this product indicate the effects can last a long time
True Opener for Women Cons:
Manufacturer doesn’t provide all of the specifics on pheromone blends
Not all women who have tried this product agree that it works
Some women who like this product indicate the effects only seemed to last for an hour or two
Impressione generale:
True Opener for Women has gathered a small following of women that think this product has helped them attract more men to the dance. Not all women that have tried this product agree that it can help a woman attract more men, anche se, and this could have a negative effect on the number of women giving this product a try in the months ahead.
I Migliori Prodotti per 2012
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