True Instinct Review
True Instinct is a product advertised as pheromone cologne with the world’s highest concentration of human pheromones, but this could be in doubt in the minds of some people. Especially since the manufacturer doesn’t disclose the exact pheromone blend in this product, there could be some men that doubt the manufacturers claims. One of the newer pheromone colognes offered on the market, True Instinct hasn’t been reviewed by a lot of men.
Produkta apraksts:
Aktīvās sastāvdaļas: Ražotājs apgalvo šis produkts satur maisījums 6.5 mg of androstenone per 10 ml of product, androstenol (alfa & beta) & androsterone
Cena: $84.99 (pārdošanas cena $76.49)
Izstrādājuma izmērs: 30 ml (1 unce) pudele
200 reizēm vienas pudeles
Garantēt: 365 dienu naudu atpakaļ
3 to 5 days for delivery
True Instinct Pros:
Some men indicate True Instinct was one of the best pheromone colognes they have tried
Guarantee is a nice one
Some men indicate women seemed to respond to them better
Some men indicated women seemed more aggressive
True Instinct Cons:
This product is expensive
Not all men indicated this product worked for them
Manufacturer makes claims it fails to support with specific data
Some men said women didn’t always seem to like the scent
Kopējais iespaids:
True Instinct has only been on the market for a little while, but it appears to have developed a quick following of men who think it helped them meet more women. This could of course be partly due to the marketing campaign surrounding True Instinct upon launch. There are also quite a few men who have tried this product and are wondering what all the excitement is about.
Top-rated Feromoni par 2012
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