Taisnība Paziņojums sievietēm Review
True Communication for Women is a new product on the marketing claiming to be able to help women meet more women and give them the advantage in social situations. Klientu atsauksmes par šo produktu ir maz šajā brīdī, ar dažām sievietēm ticīgo šis produkts palīdzēja tiem vīriešiem, while other women think this product didn’t make a difference. Once more women that have tried this product have their say, we’ll have a better idea if True Communication for Women is the real deal, or not.
Produkta apraksts:
Aktīvās sastāvdaļas: Ražotājs apgalvo, šis produkts satur 3000 mcg of human pheromone in each bottle and three different human pheromones
Cena: $29.99 (pārdošanas cena $26.99)
Izstrādājuma izmērs: 30 ml (1 unce) pudele
200 reizēm vienas pudeles
Dosage 1-5 aerosoli vienu pieteikumu
Garantēt: 365 dienu naudu atpakaļ
True Communication Pros:
Some women say men seemed to love the scent
Some women that tried this product indicate that it worked wonders with men
Nice product guarantee
Product price is reasonable, ja šis produkts var palīdzēt jums sasniegt vairāk vīriešu
True Communication Cons:
Some women found this product to be totally ineffective
Nepietiekams klientu atsauksmes
Some men found men didn’t like the scent
Kopējais iespaids:
True Communication for Women is one of the newer products on the market making big claims that it doesn’t appear to be able to live up to. The women that have tried True Communication seem to agree for the most part that this product just doesn’t live up to the hype. This could make it harder for the seller to get more women to try this product in the months ahead.
Top-rated Feromoni par 2012
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