PherSpray Review
PherSpray is a new pheromone product that was released in early 2011. They have versions for Men, Women and Gay/Lesbian. Pherspray smells really good and gives the person wearing a feeling of power/confidence. PherSpray is more expensive than other products, but you will notice the better results.
Dettalji tal-Prodott:
PherSpray contains a blend on ten pheromones. Uses the latest scientific findings.
PherSpray Pros:
- PherSpray is a new pheromone product using the latest Science.
- Positive feedback from multiple sources.
- Versions available for Men and Women.
PherSpray Cons:
- None.
B'mod ġenerali Impressjoni
PherSpray is a great pheromone product. I love the manly smell and use this pheromone product often. It always produces results and gets me many “smiles”.
Il Feromoni ogħla rata għal 2012
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