XXX Pheromone Spray Review
XXX Spray-On Pheromone Cologne is one of the latest products on the market claiming to be able to help men attract more women. This product has been at the centre of a huge marketing campaign that appears to have been reasonably successful in getting men to try XXX. Customer reviews on this product are hard to find at this point in time, and there appears to be some doubt in men that have tried this product as to the ability of XXX to deliver on promises made.
Dettalji tal-Prodott:
Ingredjenti attivi: manufacturer claims this product contains pure Androstenone, which they claim is the strongest sexual pheromone for men
Prezz: $32.99 (prezz tal-bejgħ $29.69)
Daqs tal-Prodott: 30 ml ( 1 uqija) flixkun
Garanzija: 365 flus lura kuljum
XXX Pros:
Men that like this product indicate that women seem to love the scent
The guarantee is a nice one
Men who like this product indicated the effects lasted up to six hours
XXX Cons:
Mhux reviżjonijiet biżżejjed klijent
This product doesn’t seem to work for all men
Some men indicate women were turned off by the scent
B'mod ġenerali Impressjoni:
XXX Spray-On Cologne for men is one of the newer products on the market claiming to be able to help men meet more women. The marketing campaign conducted at the launch of this product seems to be losing steam at this point in time and men seem to be losing interest quickly. The available customer reviews also seem to indicate that some men that have tried this product have moved onto another product.
Il Feromoni ogħla rata għal 2012
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