True Trust for Women Review
True Trust for Women is marketed by True Pheromones as a pheromone perfume that can help women gain ground in the battle between the sexes and give them another advantage. This product is supposed to help increase levels of trust between men and women and help create a bond. Customer reviews on this product are in short supply, so more women that have tried this product need to let their opinion known.
Dettalji tal-Prodott:
Ingredjenti attivi: manufacturer claims this product contains a blend of 11,000 mcg of oxytocin & Androstenol (alpha & beta)
Prezz: $29.99 (prezz tal-bejgħ $26.99)
Daqs tal-Prodott: 30 ml (1 uqija) flixkun
200 applikazzjonijiet kull flixkun
1-5 sprays per application
Garanzija: 365 flus lura kuljum
Duration 4-6 hours
True Trust for Women Pros:
Can be used with your favourite scent
Prezz huwa raġonevoli
Nice size product bottle
Good guarantee
Some women really think this product has helped them meet more men
True Trust for Women Cons:
Not all women found this product worked for them
Mhux reviżjonijiet biżżejjed klijent
Manufacturer doesn’t provide enough specific information on pheromones
Some women that like this provide indicated the effects only lasted an hour or two
B'mod ġenerali Impressjoni:
True Trust for Women is a product the manufacturer makes big claims for that not all women seem to think True Trust can achieve. There are women that have tried this product that claim it has really helped them in the battle to meet and attract more men to the dance, but not all of the women that have tried this product agree that it works for them.
Il Feromoni ogħla rata għal 2012
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