N10 Pheromone txaws Review
N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash is a new product on the market that’s advertised as a scent you’ll want to share with the woman you love. Qhov chaw tsim tshuaj paus thiab muag khoom ntawm yam khoom no lav yus qhov khoom yuav pab ua kom zoo saib cov poj niam uas tus txiv neej. The customer reviews of this product on the other hand indicate that lots of men think this product just doesn’t work at all. This fact seems to be turning some men off of this product that might have been thinking about giving it a try as their reactions to the reviews posted seems to indicate.
Khoom txhawb:
Yam khoom xyaw: Manufacturer and sell don’t provide specific details on pheromones in this product
Scentless alternative to Ten Pheromone Cologne for men that love women
Nqe: $45.00
Guarantee: no specific information available
Yam khoom loj: 59 ml (2 kua ooj)
N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash Pros:
You can add this product to your favourite scent
There are some men that think this product works for them
N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash Cons:
This product is so new there isn’t a sale price
This product is a little expensive to get to see if it works
More customer reviews of this product need to be submitted
Manufacturer and seller don’t provide specifics on pheromones in this product
Zuag qhia tag nrho cov duab:
N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash appears to be the scentless alternative to Ten Pheromone Cologne that customer reviews indicate just doesn’t seem to work for some men. Cov lus nrog rau tsis muaj tej kev tej ntaub ntawv tau muab rau rov qab li ntawm yam khoom no uas muaj tus pheromone kom dej yuav tau xa cov txiv neej off of ua tau cov yam khoom no ntau heev.
Rau saum-Rated Pheromones rau 2012
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