Yeej muaj tseeb Charisma rov

True Charisma has only been on the market for a small amount of time, thiab cov txiv neej uas twb sim no cov khoom sib xyaw rau hauv lawv lub tswvyim ntawm txoj kev peev xwm no cov khoom los pab lawv ua ntau txaus nyiam rau cov poj niam uas nrhiav rau cov tuam txhab. There have only been a few product reviews by customers that have tried True Charisma and at this point in time they indicate men are torn between loving True Charisma and thinking they should try another product in stead.

Khoom txhawb:

True Charisma Pros:

True Charisma Cons:

Zuag qhia tag nrho cov duab:

Charisma muaj tseeb yog qhov khoom rau lub lag luam rau cov tau pab cov txiv neej tau raws li cov poj niam ntau dua thiab muab cov tseem tus kom zoo dua tus tua ntawm qhov nws kuj tau newer. Peb xav tau ntau dua neeg kev ntawm lub peev xwm tiag Charisma pab txiv neej, ua ntej peb yuav ua rau tus xav paub tseeb tiag. Tsawg hawm no txoj kev sib tw li cas rau lwm tus yeej muaj tseeb Charisma pom tau zoo mob me ntawm kom txiv neej sim cov tshuaj no. Peb xav tias qhov kev kawm no tej zaum yuav muaj zog kom muaj kev tiv thaiv rau lwm cov khoom rau lub lag luam uas tus txiv neej zoo li xav.

Yeej zoo li koj siab no ncej? ua cas tsis ua cia ib nram no comment thiab ntxiv rau kev sib tham, los sis subscribe rau kuv pub thiab tau xwm zoo li no yeej tauj mus koj txawj nyeem ntawv feed.


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