Páči sa Max Feromóny Attraction Hodvábne naozaj funguje?
Max atrakcie Silk is one of those products taking the forefront these days in pheromone concentrations being developed specifically for use by females. Just so there is no confusion, this means that this formula is designed specifically to be applied by women in order to attract males. This is a market which is all too often ignored, pretože ako sa ukázalo, men as a demographic seem to be much more interested than women in what pheromones have to offer. Teda, because of this inherent lack of awareness, the average bottle of Max Attraction Silk is about three times more expensive than the average bottle of pheromones purchased by males, and it is about 20-30 dollars more expensive than Max Attraction Gold, the same product, but meant for men instead of women. Is the increased price worth it though, or does Max Attraction Silk fall short like so many other brands do? Find out here.
There is uniqueness about the Max Attraction Silk formula in that it contains copulins. Copulins are a unique hormone produced by females exclusively that are said to make men feel more attracted to women or more at ease around them. Limited research has been performed with this chemical so it is hard to say whether or not the inclusion of these copulins will have a pronounced effect on the males you are trying to get the attention of or not. While men will probably attest to the great floral smell of the product, you’d be hard pressed to find much of a difference in their behavior or the way they treat the woman wearing the scent.
As a way of covering up for any lack of effectiveness in the copulins, high levels of Androstenone have been introduced into this formula as well. This is a chemical found in the pheromones produced by both men and women; však, it is not naturally produced in equal amounts between the sexes. In this case, men traditionally secrete more of this chemical than women do. While this could be the key to giving women a fighting chance in the dating game, in practice it seems there is a little more to it than that. Androstenone is known for heightening not only sexual desire, but also aggression as well. Typically males already have a great deal of aggression within them from all of the testosterone coursing through their veins. Applying a product like Maximum Attraction Silk, which could increase aggression, may lead to a date that is more than you bargained for. You want your date to be sexually excited by you, not to break glass and bark at your waiter all night.
Playing with human chemistry is tricky, and there are certain avenues which should simply not be traversed. Products such as PherX or PherSpray for women have a much more balanced approach to attracting members of the opposite sex. Stick to these if you don’t want to run the risk of causing an Androstenone overdose for you or your date.
Na Top-hodnotené Feromóny pre 2012
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