Alpha Impact Review
Alpha Impact is one of the latest products on the market claiming to be pheromone cologne men can wear to help them in the battle of the sexes. Manufacturer and seller make big claims concerning the ability of this product to help men and the pheromones contained within Alpha Impact. Customer reviews seem to indicate that a lot of men found this product to be totally ineffective in helping them meet more women. There were some men that found this product helped them with women, but these men seem to be the minority.
Aktivne sestavine: Manufacturer and seller provide no information on pheromones within this product
Cena: $49.95
Velikost izdelka: 20 gram bottle (0.7 unč)
Garancija: 30 vložena sredstva nazaj
Alpha Impact Pros:
Men that love Alpha Impact say this product has a scent that women seem to love
Manufacturer claims effects of this product can last 24 ure
Alpha Impact Cons:
Customers that like this product indicate the effects only last a few hours
The actual pheromones in this product aren’t listed by the manufacturer
Results of customers indicates that this product didn’t work for all men
The price seems a little steep for a product that doesn’t seem to work for all men
Splošni vtis:
Alpha Impact doesn’t appear to have convinced many men of its ability to attract women. Considering the customer reviews on the ability of this product to help men in the battle between the sexes it seems that this product might not be as advertised. This could certainly result in more men deciding not to even give this product a try.
V Top-ocenjeni Izdelki za 2012
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