Истина Харизма преглед

True Charisma has only been on the market for a small amount of time, и људи који су покушали овај производ се мешају у својим мишљењима о способности овог производа да им помогне да постану привлачнији женама траже компанију. There have only been a few product reviews by customers that have tried True Charisma and at this point in time they indicate men are torn between loving True Charisma and thinking they should try another product in stead.


True Charisma Pros:

True Charisma Cons:

Укупан утисак:

True Charisma is a newer product on the market offering to be able to help men meet more women and give them the advantage in the battle between the sexes. We need more customer reviews on the ability of True Charisma to help men, before we can make a truly informed opinion. At this point in time the marketing campaign surrounding True Charisma appears to have been mildly successful at getting men to try this product. We feel that this progress is probably going to be hard to maintain against the other products on the market that men seem to prefer.

Јесте ли уживати овај пост? Што да не оставите коментар испод и наставили конверзацију, или претплатити на мој феед и добијете чланке као што је овај аутоматски испоручују на свој читач фидова.


Но цомментс иет.

Леаве а цоммент

