Уље ПхерКс
This is a brand that has been on the market for a long time. Од 2002, PherX is one of the first pheromone products available. They have versions for Men, Women and Gay/Lesbian. I was introducted to PherX when I seen them profiled on the 20/20 Прича о феромона, где су радили експеримент са 2 sets of twins to see if pheromones work. After watching the video back in 2005, I ordered PherX and definately noticed results. I have been an active pheromone user since.
PherX contains the highest amount of pheromone available and it comes in a full 1 унца (30мл) боца. The main active ingredients in PherX are Androstadienone, Андростенол, Андростеноне и
Androsterone. The female version incorporates copulins and Estratetraenol.
PherX Pros:
- ПхерКс је развијен од стране доктора биологије и фармакологију.
- Доказани резултати са одличним повратним информацијама од корисника.
- Available Worldwide with versions for Men, Жене, Геј и лезбо.
PherX Cons:
- Не долази у фенси Келну или бочица за парфем.
PherX is the best pheromone product available and the results are amazing. I cannot tell you how many times women have initiated conversation with me when I wear PherX… it’s a lot! У $29.95 it is also by far the best deal. If this is your first pheromone purchase, Ја дефинитивно препоручујем ПхерКс као велики један да започне са.
Укупан утисак
PherX is the best pheromone product available and the results are amazing. I cannot tell you how many times women have initiated conversation with me when I wear PherX… it’s alot! У $29.95 it is also by far the best deal. If this is your first pheromone purchase, Ја дефинитивно препоручујем ПхерКс као велики један да започне са.
Тхе Топ-Ратед феромони за 2012
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