Athena Pheromone Perfume Review

Athena pheromone perfume was created by Dr. Winnifred Cutler. This product is marketed as a pheromone perfume capable of enhancing a women’s sexual appeal, in order to make her more attractive to the opposite sex. Some customers who have tried Athena perfume doubt the ability of this product to increase the sexual appeal of women. Manufacturer and seller make significant claims concerning ability of product to help women attract more men, but they have failed to disclose scientific data to support their claims concerning this product and the ingredients included in its makeup. This fact has probably turned some customers away from this product. Reviews concerning this product have also been both negative and positive.

Product Details:

Athena Perfume Pros:

Athena Perfume Cons:

Përshtypja e përgjithshme

Athena perfume is a hard product to market considering the price women need to pay to try the product. The fact that the manufacturers fails to disclose the real ingredients contained within this product is also surely to have a negative effect on sales. There are other pheromone perfumes on the market that cost far less and have a much better reputation and women will likely try these out first.

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Mike: Let me correct a few errors, please. Our women’s product is ATHENA PHEROMONE 10:13™; you pictured our men’s product, ATHENA PHEROMONE 10X™. We have two double blind published studies showing efficacy for 10:13, both published in peer reviewed scientific journals. We did not “fail to disclose” them but trumpeted them on our website and in our promotional literature.
And 10:13 is NOT a “perfume” but rather an odorless additive. Our reputation is intact as the premier pheromone product because it works; Dr. Cutler co-discovered human pheromones in 1986 and has staggering scientific credentials; and both FOX TV and ABC TV and ABC 20/20 tested our products successfully. We sell our two products to customers in over 120 countries.
Anyway, thanks for the review. and best wishes! (Note: I am “biassed” as Athena’s lawyer!)
Nov., 25, 2011

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