Archive de l'auteur

Phiero Premium Review

Tweet Phiero Premium is a product advertised as pheromone cologne to help men meet and connect with more women looking for a man. Ce produit a été offert sur le marché pendant un moment et a seulement développé une suite de petits d'hommes qui pensent Phiero Premium fonctionne pour eux. This is despite a huge […]

Sex Appeal Vaporisateur examen

TweetSex Appeal Spray is a product advertised as being able to help men meet more women that has been on the market for a while. La campagne de publicité autour de ce produit n'était pas le plus grand, but it appears to have reached a small percentage of men hoping to find a product to help them attract a […]

Attractif 1000 Votre avis

TweetAttractant 1000 est une eau de Cologne de phéromones de la revendication vendeur et le fabricant peut renforcer la confiance des hommes dans des situations sociales et les aider à être plus attrayant pour le sexe opposé. Ce produit a seulement été autour pendant un certain temps et ne semble pas avoir développé une solide base de clients pendant cette période. The marketing campaign […]

Alpha 7 Votre avis

Tweet Alpha 7 is a product claiming to be a an oil-based pheromone men can wear to help make them more attractive to the opposite sex. The manufacturer and seller of this product make big claims for the pheromone content within this product. Customer reviews of the men that have given Alpha 7 un essai […]

Androstenone examen

TweetAndrostenone is a product as the name implies that’s named after the human pheromone that’s supposedly within this product advertised as pheromone cologne. La campagne de marketing entourant ce produit était assez vaste, mais ne semble pas avoir été aussi efficace que la première pensée. There has been much talk between men that have tried this product […]

Conquête pour attirer les femmes examen

TweetConquest to Attract Women is a product marketed by Luv Essentials as a pheromone cologne to help men meet more women and provide them with an advantage in social situations. Ce produit a seulement été autour pendant une courte période et n'a pas exactement enfreint aucune des records de vente pendant cette période. Customer reviews on the ability […]

Aqua Vitae examen

TweetAqua Vitae is a product marketed as a pheromone cologne for men by Liquid Alchemy Labs. Ce produit a fait l'objet d'une vaste campagne de marketing qui semble avoir rassemblé un petit groupe d'hommes. Customer reviews on the ability of this product to help men attract more women looking for company is mixed […]

Examen masculinité

TweetMasculinity is a product marketed as the pheromone cologne for the international man of intrigue looking to express his strength, la puissance et la force dans le parfum qu'il porte. Ce produit a été lancé en 2009 and since this time has been the subject of a very intense marketing campaign that seems to have had some success […]

Pherone Formula V-5 Review

TweetPherone Formula V-5 is another product on the market that claims to be a pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women. The manufacturer and seller claim this product has ultra pure human pheromones that make women feel more comfortable, happy and sexy in the presence of men. Customer reviews of this product indicate […]

Magnétisme phéromone Spray examen

TweetMagnetism Spray Cologne is a new product that claims to contain human pheromones capable of helping men attract more women in social situations. The customer reviews of this product indicates that not every man who tried this product found it to be effective in the battle to help men become more attractive to the opposite […]