Eros illata Feromonok

Eros illata is a pheromone spray which is said to have a unique blend of ingredients such that the formula should work in attracting all types of women, young and old and of all different racial backgrounds. While it may not sound like much, this is a phenomenal step forward for all pheromone research, as it has been found that as you age, you become attracted to different chemical compounds in pheromones, and begin to produce different pheromones as well. If Scent of Eros really has found a way to be able to attract women of all demographics indiscriminately then they deserve a hearty round of applause for the accomplishment. But is there any truth to their claim?

It turns out that for the most part, Scent of Eros is just a standard watered down product that is being passed off as a game-changing new addition to the Pheromone market. In reality there is nothing about the chemical makeup to suggest that it is any different than competitor products in what it does. The only difference would be in concentration of active ingredients.

Despite the slight empty promise, Scent of Eros did seem to be receiving a fairly significant amount of sales towards the end of their first sales quarter. Viszont, it is likely that they are going to experience a huge drop in sales after people use their product and realize that it doesn’t work to the effectiveness promised. Purchasing pheromones online can really be a crapshoot sometimes. On the one hand there are plenty of brands out there that have already been doing well and seem to be getting good reviews which seem like great purchases. On the other hand there are new brands being brought in every day just like Scent of Eros, that make promises which the other brands can’t make, causing these brands to come off as more enticing than the more popular methods.

People that purchase Scent of Eros hoping to find something very different than what they get in other brands probably will be disappointed in what they actually get out of the experience. Scent of Eros uses the same formula popularized by brands such as maximum attraction gold and Chikara which have all gotten lukewarm to negative reviews from customers. Scent of Eros may or may not do the job according to how divided reviews are for this particular product. Viszont, when a product costs as much as 50 dollár egy üveg, most people are not willing to take the chance that it might not work. If you want to be sure that you are getting the best quality out there, then go for a competitor such as PherX or PherSpray. These are two products which have been getting mostly positive reviews and have much more longevity than Scent of Eros. PherSpray will give you greater quality for the same price and PherX will do the same for half the price. But these are just two examples. There are a lot of improvements that Scent of Eros can afford to make, and they aren’t just in the area of marketing either.

A Top-Rated feromonok 2012

Vásárlás PherX Feromonok
Vásárlás PherX feromon
Hozzávalók: 4.8
Eredmények: 4.9
Érték: 5.0
Kiskereskedelem: $49.95
Különleges ajánlat: $29.95
Vásárlás PherX Feromonok
Vásárlás PherSpray Feromonok
Vásárlás PherSpray Feromonok
Hozzávalók: 5.0
Eredmények: 5.0
Érték: 4.8
Kiskereskedelem: $89.95
Különleges ajánlat: $49.95
Vásárlás PherSpray Feromonok
Vásárlás Alpha Maschio Feromonok
Vásárlás Alpha Maschio Feromonok
Hozzávalók: 4.1
Eredmények: 3.9
Érték: 4.1
Kiskereskedelem: $55.00
Vásárlás Alpha Maschio

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