Magnetism Pheromone Spray Cologne Review
Magnetism Spray Cologne is a new product that claims to contain human pheromones capable of helping men attract more women in social situations. The customer reviews of this product indicates that not every man who tried this product found it to be effective in the battle to help men become more attractive to the opposite sex. It could be that the huge marketing campaign the seller and manufacturer of this product conducted is starting to wear off. This could be leading to more men that have tried this product deciding to move onto something more effective.
Պահել որոնվածը:
Ակտիվ բաղադրիչները: manufacturer claims this product contains androsterone, androstenone, and androstenol
Գին: $49.95
Երաշխավորում: 90 days
Magnetism Spray Cologne Կողմ:
This product is new
Some men think this Magnetism helped them meet more women
Some men say the effect can last up to six hours
The guarantee is nice and long
Magnetism Spray Cologne Դեմ:
This is an expensive product to purchase to test
Very few reviews of this product
Some men who have tried this product don’t believe it helped them at all
Ընդհանուր Impression:
Magnetism is one of the newest products claiming to be able to help make men more attractive to women and give them an edge in the battle between the sexes. The customer reviews of this product haven’t been great. The reviews seem to indicate that some men think this product didn’t improve their odds of meeting a beautiful woman at all. These facts could mean that the sales for this product could decrease in the months and years ahead.
Լավագույն վարկանիշ ունեցող Pheromones համար 2012
Դուք հաճույք ստացաք այս գրառումը? Ինչու ոչ: Մեկնաբանություններ թողնելիս ստորեւ եւ շարունակել խոսակցությունը, կամ Բաժանորդագրվելու իմ Թեմա եւ հոդվածներ, ինչպես դա մատուցվում է ավտոմատ կերպով, քո սոցիալական ցանց.
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