Instant Honesty Review
Instant Honesty is a pheromone cologne for men advertised as being able to help men open up the lanes of communication between men and women. This product has only been available for a little while and hasn’t developed a strong customer base of women that have tried this product and found it to be effective. This is despite a strong initial marketing campaign surrounding the launch of this product and the large number of women that have tried this product.
有効成分: 製造元は、本製品に含まれていると主張 3,000 人間のフェロモンのMCG
価格: $49.95 (売却価格 $34.96)
製品サイズ: 30 ミリリットル (1 オンス) ボトル
200 ボトルごとにアプリケーション
1-5 アプリケーションごとにスプレー
保証: 365 日のお金の背部
Instant Honesty Pros:
Men that like this product indicate women love the scent
Large product bottle should last
You can mix this pheromone cologne with similar products
Instant Honesty Cons:
Very few customer reviews
Some men found this product just didn’t work for them
Some women don’t seem to like the scent
More expensive than similar products
Instant Honesty appears to be one of the more effective pheromone colognes for men, depending on each individual. Customer reviews indicate this product might not work for all men, so this might turn some men off of giving this product a try. Especially, since there are other products that have received better reviews that cost less, these facts could combine in the next few months to decrease sales of Instant Honesty.
のために人気のフェロモン 2012
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