True Trust is sold by True Pheromones as a pheromone cologne that can make women want to get closer to you and get a better idea of the possibilities. 市場での男性のための新しいフェロモンコロンの一つ, True Trust hasn’t developed a strong following of men in its short time on store shelves. At this point there are very few customer reviews on the ability of this product to help men develop bonds of love and trust with women. The reviews of customers that have been posted indicate some men like this product, while others have decided to try something else.
有効成分: manufacturer claims this product contains a blend of oxytocin, アンドロステノール (アルファ & ベータ) & アンドロステノン
価格: $29.99 (売却価格 26.99)
製品サイズ: 30 ミリリットル (1 オンス) ボトル
200 ボトルごとにアプリケーション
1-5 アプリケーションごとにスプレー
保証: 365 日のお金の背部
True Trust Pros:
Some men say it really helps them develop a bond with women
Price is reasonable if this product can help you meet more women
True Trust Cons:
Some men have found this product just doesn’t seem to work for them
Manufacturer doesn’t disclose scientific data on exact human pheromones and amounts
True Trust in the short time it has been on the market hasn’t developed a strong customer base of men that think this product has helped them with women. This is despite a strong marketing campaign at the launch of the product and a number of men that have reported giving this product a try. Add to this the fact that the manufacturer hasn’t done a good job disclosing scientific data on the exact human pheromones and amounts they use in this product and we could see less of this product leaving store shelves in the months ahead.
のために人気のフェロモン 2012
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