Pheramour Review
Pheramour is marketed and sold as pheromone cologne that can help a man meet more women and give them an edge in the battle between the sexes. The marketing campaign surrounding this product was pretty extensive and only seems to have reached a small number of men looking for a product to help attract more women. This could have a lot to do with the negative customer reviews on this product and word of mouth from customer to customer that this product just doesn’t seem to work for all men that give it a try.
제품 상세 정보:
활성 성분: manufacturer and seller don’t disclose exact pheromones or amounts in this product, accept to indicate this product has androstenol and androsterone
가격: $49.95 (sale price around $40)
제품 크기: 0.5 온스 병
보장: 30 하루 돈 다시
Pheramour Pros:
가격은 합리적입니다, if this product works
30 day guarantee is supposed to be good
Pheramour Cons:
Results vary between men
Men indicate product wasn’t as good as they hoped
Some men and women found the scent to be hard to take at times
전체 노출:
Pheramour is a product marketed as pheromone cologne for men that hasn’t exactly been selling like hot cakes to men looking for a product to help improve their attractiveness to women. The fact that customer reviews on this product have been average at best could be part of the reason for this. It seems unlikely that more and more men will be looking at the facts and deciding to take a chance on Pheramour.
대한 상위 등급 페로몬 2012
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