Pherone G-3 Review
Pherone Formula G-3 is marketed as a product containing a one of a kind blend of pheromones to help gay men attract other men. The manufacturer and seller claim this product can help gay men find and attract more men and give them a strong male aura. 불행하게도, the current customer reviews of Pherone Formula G-3 indicate this product is losing the faith of gay men trying to attract other men. The marketing campaign the seller and manufacturer conducted in order to put this product in the hands of more gay men appears to be wearing off. More and more gay men are indicating that they think this product just doesn’t help them get in touch with and meet more men.
제품 상세 정보:
- 활성 성분: 5 mg of pheromones, including 2 androstenone의 MG
- 보장: 30 하루 돈 다시
- 가격: $49.95 (세일 프라이스 $39.95)
- 제품 크기: 큰 10 ML 병
Pherone G-3 프로:
- Gay men who think this product works indicate a small dab will do
- The price of this product is reasonable, if the product works
- Some gay men indicate it gives them more confidence in social situations
- 10 ml bottle will last months
Pherone G-3 단점:
Some gay men who try this indicate it didn’t seem to attract other men at all
전체 노출
Pherone G is a product that appears to be losing popularity with gay men looking to attract other men. The marketing campaign the seller and manufacturer conducted during the initial stages of product development seem to be wearing off. Gay men seem to be beginning to clue into the fact that the ability of this product to help gay men attract other men could be all market hype.
대한 상위 등급 페로몬 2012
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