The Patch for Women Review

The Patch for Women is a pheromone product sold by True Pheromones based on an idea you might have seen portrayed in Oceans Thirteen. This product is new on the market and hasn’t really had time to develop a strong following of women. At this point in time the reviews by women concerning the ability of this product to help them meet men are limited at best.

Dettalji tal-Prodott:

The Patch for Women Pros:

The Patch for Women Cons:

B'mod ġenerali Impressjoni:

We need more women that have tried this product to come forward with their opinions on whether this product helped them with men. The Patch for Women looks like a product trying to make a few quick bucks off of the movie hype created in Oceans Thirteen concerning a similar product. Once the initial market hype wears off women will likely decide that this product just doesn’t work as advertised and decide to try something more effective.

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