Yuav ua li cas nyiam poj niam

Koj puas zaum hnov xya kev xav ntawm cov ntiaj teb ua ntej, tsim yaam tshab uas tag li vim lawv yog mysterious. Qhov tshij, tam sim no uas muaj ntau leej raug puas los ntawm ntau yam qeeg, muaj ntau lub neej niaj hnub no xav tseem muaj sij hawm tuaj nrog rau ib daim ntawv tshiab, nrog koj tus thawj nkag teb chaws nyob: Poj niam. Tau no ntev dua peb yuav ntsuas, tus txiv neej muaj ib txwm remarked rau cov poj niam uas yog ib yam nyuaj heev los to taub, kev khiav hauj lwm rau ib qib txawv nkaus dua li tus txiv neej ntawd zoo li cas thiab leej twg lawv nrhiav tau txaus nyiam. Tab sis, nrog rau kev pab los ntawm zoo fashioned science qub, soj ntsuam ntawm xav hais tias lawv tau pom cov poj equalizer, cov khoom uas yog activates tus poj niam pw ua ke tsav, thiab nws tau hauv koj lub cev CFS. Cov lus teb yog pheromones.

Pheromones muaj nchuav tam sim no nyob rau hauv daim tawv nqaij uas yog tso tawm thaum peb hws, tso zis, tshem tawm tej tsi secretion lub cev tsis muaj tiag. Txawm li cas haiv neeg thiab tshaj tawm qhia rau peb hnub no txog kev yuav ua li cas peb yuav tsum saib thiab na, ua thiaj li nyiam qhov opposite pw, no txheej thaum ub scent tus tib neeg thiab feem ntau lwm cov tsiaj (thiab txawm tias yog ib hom ntawm tsob nroj) phom, yog tus niam qhuav tseem ib qhov zoo tshaj yuav ua txhua yam uas koj yuav xav txog tej yam. Hmoov tsis txog peb cov pog koob yawg koob, Nws yog ib qhov uas peb tsis tau yeej tswj tau ntshe peb yeej kam sim ua txhua yam q muab tshuaj ntxuav koj tus kheej nrog rau ib pawg uas lwm tus txiv neej undergarments. Luckily hnub no peb muaj kev pab xws li Pherx.com ib titration molecules tsim los muaj ntsi xws li cov qub pheromones peb raws li ntawd, feem ntau ntawm cov tshuaj ntawd lub raj mis.

Thaum peb tso pheromones rau saum cua, thiab lawv yuav nqus los ntawm cov poj niam, Cov ntxhiab tsw yog los ntawm kev kuaj ib yam hauv tshwj xeeb hauv lub qhov ntswg uas yog tsim los kom cia li ntawd lub hom phiaj. Nws yog ces kis tig tau Center ntawm lub hlwb uas nws yuav ua thiab to taub raws li kev sib deev attraction. Owning ib lub raj mis uas pheromones yog zoo li owning pw ua niam txiv nyob rau hauv lub taub mis.

Qhov no nws yog ib tug exaggeration me ntsis xwb, believe it los tsis. Tau kawg yog tsis muaj cov khoom uas koj yuav tsuag rau tej tawv nqaij uas yuav tsi tau ntawd pw ua ke, tiam sis ib noticeably muaj zog concentration of pheromones tau tawm txim liab los ntawm koj lub cev yuav muab rau koj ib tug ntxiv boost kev zaus. Vim yog txawv npaum li cas ib tug neeg khiav lag luam rau lawv tus kheej, yeej yuav twv seb raws nraim li cas ib tug neeg yuav zoo thaum lawv tau txais ib raj pheromones upfront. Tsis zoo li muv thiab ntsaum, txoj kev uas tib neeg nrog pheromones kam yog dua ilv thiab subconscious ntau heev.

Yog hais tias koj siv tej yam khoom Pherx.com rau koj tus kheej, Txawm koj yuav tsis tam yuav rewarded nrog txiv neej pw, koj yuav pom tias cov poj niam yuav pib paub tias kov koj nyiam tshaj. Lawv yuav xav tias nyob tim yooj yim ntxhi thiab conversing nrog koj. Txiv neej yuav tsum respectful neb. Txog thaum kawg tam sim no kom koj paub tias koj raws cov tshuaj txhua txhua hnub, koj yuav tsum wondering vim li cas koj yuav tau muab them nyiaj rau. Zoo rau ib tug, nrog cov khoom fwj, koj yuav thov nws ncaj nraim tsis coj tau koj tus kheej cov sweaty thiab tag nrho los yog yuav tsum mus tso zis excessively. Kuj yooj yim dua koob tsuas pab koj yuav. Thiaj li yog hais tias koj twb ua cov khoom no ntau heev lawm, lub fwj tshuaj pheromones yuav txhais foreplay thiab pw ua ke sib txawv.

Nws tu kom koj txiav txim siab li cas koj mam li siv lus tias tam sim no koj twb tau txog kev educated pheromones, tab sis, yog hais tias koj tsis tau koj tus kheej ib lam fwj, ces tsis tau alarmed thaum uas koj pib pom cov pas dig hniav armed nerds rub cov poj niam ntau dua li koj. Pheromones muaj xwm kev hlub potion.

Rau saum-Rated Pheromones rau 2012

Muas PherX Pheromones
Yuav PherX Pheromone
Cov khoom xyaw: 4.8
Ntsiab: 4.9
Tus nqi: 5.0
Khw muag khoom: $49.95
Kev pab tshwj xeeb: $29.95
Muas PherX Pheromones
Muas PherSpray Pheromones
Muas PherSpray Pheromones
Cov khoom xyaw: 5.0
Ntsiab: 5.0
Tus nqi: 4.8
Khw muag khoom: $89.95
Kev pab tshwj xeeb: $49.95
Muas PherSpray Pheromones
Muas Alpha Maschio Pheromones
Muas Alpha Maschio Pheromones
Cov khoom xyaw: 4.1
Ntsiab: 3.9
Tus nqi: 4.1
Khw muag khoom: $55.00
Muas Alpha Maschio

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