PherX për Gratë gay
This is a brand that has been on the market for a long time. Që prej 2002, PherX is one of the first pheromone products available. Ata kanë versionet për Meshkuj, Women and Gay/Lesbian. I was introducted to PherX when I seen them profiled on the 20/20 story about pheromones where they did an experiment with 2 sets of twins to see if pheromones work. After watching the video back in 2005, I ordered PherX and definately noticed results. I have been an active pheromone user since.
Product Details:
PherX contains the highest amount of pheromone available and it comes in a full 1 ons (30ml) shishe. The main active ingredients in PherX are Androstadienone, Androstenol, Androstenone and
Androsterone. The female version incorporates copulins and Estratetraenol.
PherX Pros:
- PherX has been developed by Doctors of Biology and Pharmacology.
- Proven Results with Excellent feedback from Users.
- Available Worldwide with versions for Men, Women, Gay and Lesbian.
PherX Cons:
- Does not come in a fancy cologne or perfume bottle.
Përshtypja e përgjithshme
PherX is the best pheromone product available and the results are amazing. I cannot tell you how many times women have initiated conversation with me when I wear PherX… it’s alot! Në $29.95 it is also by far the best deal. If this is your first pheromone purchase, I definitely recommend PherX as a great one to start with.
Në Top-Rated Feromonet për 2012
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