

TweetAlpha A314可不是鬧著玩的,當它來的網上交易市場上出售的費洛蒙域. True to their name, the chemical focus in this batch of pheromones is meant to evoke within the wearer, a sense of masculinity and power that the user is normally not able to exercise in their […]


Tweet PherSpray is a new pheromone product that was released in early 2011. 他們有男的版本, Women and Gay/Lesbian. Pherspray smells really good and gives the person wearing a feeling of power/confidence. PherSpray is more expensive than other products, 但你會發現更好的結果. 產品詳細信息: PherSpray contains a blend on […]

Why are women so complicated?

Tweet“Why are women so complicated?” How often have you heard that question floating around the water cooler at work? It’s a cliché as old as the human race, men are direct about their emotions and feelings and women are endlessly mysterious. Some may argue that this is just a meaningless stereotype, while others may be […]

低自尊? 費洛蒙是一個偉大的抗抑鬱

TweetTwo things first. 一, 很多抑鬱症源於浪漫短的缺憾. 人們一般都不會注意到婦女看著鏡在夜間和說服自己,他們是多麼差勁的. 因為社會不願看到他們一樣美麗, 他們有一個自我形象差, leading to lower self confidence and increased levels […]


TweetWhen you search how to attract women on Google, even when you ask your friends, you’ll just have result after result recommending you this or that cologne, type a through type z beauty products, etc. The list goes on and on of these little tricks, but it’s time to face the truth. Life doesn’t have […]


TweetIf you’re a single man, 那麼你可能已經注意到,不管是什麼原因, 它是越來越難當挑了雛雞. 早在六十年代,它採取的是一個簡單的舞蹈邀請,並從那時起,一個女孩將是你, 但社會的這些天是正式的要少得多, and choices are […]


TweetIt is a pretty often researched question, 為什麼患抑鬱症的比例增加,隨著時間的推移. 有些人推論,我們仍然連接老西的一些原始的嚮往, 人性有一些附加到它與生俱來的浪漫的理想主義. 有人說,它是一種過飽和與技術, […]


TweetLadies have seen it countless times, men jilting them mid conversation to go ant talk-up absolutely beastly looking women. There are only so many occurrences you can chalk up to personal bad taste on the part of the man before you realize that it’s happening a little too often for comfort. Seeing the man of […]


TweetGenerally, people that are looking at articles about pheromones are probably scouring the bottom of their mind, trying to wring out the absolute last thing they can think of to help themselves be noticed by women. Nobody immediately goes online searching for pheromones until they’ve tried everything else. Men reading this have tried all of […]

How to Attract Women

TweetYou’ve probably heard of the Seven Wonders of the World before, creations that are as magnificent as they are mysterious. 良好, now that most of them have been destroyed by various natural disasters, many modern men are thinking it’s high time to come up with a new list, with the first entry being: 婦女. For […]