Max Attraction Silk Review

Max Attraction Silk is a product marketed by Luv Essentials as pheromone perfume for women. The manufacturer claims this product is one of the most powerful pheromone perfumes available for women and supposedly contains copulins, an ingredient in female pheromones that some scientists say has been found to increase attraction. This product has benefited from a strong marketing campaign that has seen a few women give Max Blanditia Silk a try. Infeliciter, the reviews by women giving this product a try are mixed at best and at this point in time there’s some doubt as to whether this product actually works.

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Max Attraction Silk Pros:

Max Attraction Silk Cons:

Altiore inpressis

Do Max Attraction Silk Pheromones Really Work? Max Attraction Silk is a product marketed as a pheromone perfume for women that has become popular with some women. Not all women trying this product agree that it’s effective in making them more attractive to men. The price of Max Attraction Silk could be one point that’s keeping some women from trying a product that they aren’t even sure works.

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[…] Max Attraction Silk Pheromones Really Work? Posted by Mike Donaldson November 29, 2011 TweetMax Attraction Silk is one of those products taking the forefront these days in pheromone concentrations being […]

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